Today is the Storytelling Sub's first Book Look.
I've decided to dedicated a couple of Tuesdays a month...note I haven't mentioned which ones or how many, yet...to a blog on the great books that are out there.
Each blog will pick a book, give a quick synopsis and an activity that is related to the story. I figure that there are sooooo many books out there that I could do this forever.
This Tuesday's Book Look is about the book Johnny Appleseed by Jane Yolen. There are many, many, many books for children about Johnny Appleseed and you can pick whichever you wish but I happen to like this one by Jane Yolen although Steven Kellog's version is also a fave.
It also happens that Thursday, March 11th is Johnny Appleseed Day.
Jane Yolen's Johnny Appleseed The Legend and The Truth does just as the title indicates. It tells the story of the legend of Johnny Appleseed, in verse, while giving the facts of his life on each page just under the verse.
The books reading level is rated for ages 4 to 8 years.
Just to tell you a little about the books subject without giving away the whole book:
Johnny Appleseed (September 26, 1774 – February 18, 1845)was born John Chapman. He was an American pioneer who introduced apple trees to large parts of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois.
Johnny was born on a small farm in Massachusetts. He headed west when he turned 18. Many believe that he planted apple seeds haphazardly but, in fact, Johnny planted with a plan.
To learn more about Johnny Appleseed, read one of the many books about him.
Now for the crafts!
Here's an apple coloring page
I was going to put a directions for Apple Printmaking but I found a site , Make and Takes, with wonderful directions and pictures.
Ooooo....another apple favorite is Apple Smiles.
you'll need:
an apple (read apples look more mouth like but any type of apple will do), cut into wedges
peanut butter or Nutella
miniature marshmallows
plastic knives
paper plates
how to:
1. Give each child 2 apple wedges, a plastic knife and a few marshmallows
2. Have the child smear peanut butter or nutella on one side of one of the apple wedges.
3. Place a few marshmallows on the peanut butter/nutella side of the apple wedge like teeth.
4. Smear peanut butter/nutella on one side of the other apple wedge.
5. Place this apple wedge on top of the marshmallows.
6. You now should have an apple smile.
Here's a marvelous recipe for Homemade Applesauce
This is the "Johnny Appleseed" song from the Disney movie.
Oh, the Lord's been good to me.
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need:
The sun, the rain and the appleseed;
Oh, the Lord's been good to me.
Oh, and every seed I sow
Will grow into a tree.
And someday there'll be apples there
For everyone in the world to share.
Oh, the Lord is good to me.
Oh, here I am 'neath the blue, blue sky
Doing as I please.
Singing with my feathered friends
Humming with the bees.
I wake up every day,
As happy as can be,
Because I know that with His care
My apple trees, they will still be there.
The Lord's been good to me.
I wake up every day
As happy as can be,
Beacuse I know the Lord is there
Watchin' over all my friends and me
The Lord is good to me.
Dios se acordó de mí,
Y a El le agradeezco
Porque me dio
Un Corazón
Y asî amar su creación,
Dios se acordó de
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